Find Yorkshire’s milestones

Find Yorkshire’s milestones

The Milestone Society has records of over 1,500 milestones and guide-stoops in Yorkshire, nearly 2,000 boundary stones and markers, and many other roadside features such as bridge stones.

These can all be located on Google Earth after downloading the appropriate file from the Milestone Society’s website.  To do this go to  Here you will find a map of the regions of Great Britain; click on Yorkshire.  You will now be able to see where all the county’s milestones are.  Below the map are links to the Google Earth downloads of all the other features that the Milestone Society records: boundary markers, fingerposts, toll-houses, etc.

The extract below illustrates what you will see: yellow pins are milestones; orange ones are boundary markers; blue ones are guide-stoops (though some guide-stoops are yellow); and pink ones are toll-houses.

Once downloaded you can save these downloads to your permanent Google Earth files.  NB: If you do not already have Google Earth on your device you will first have to download it from

Please note that the Society’s photographs have now been transferred to Geograph and the links on Google Earth no longer work.  The easiest way to find our photographs is to use the Browser option on the left of the screen: enter Milestone Society in the keyword box, and a place-name in the second (Near) box.  You can get a photograph of a specific milestone by copying the Society’s ID reference for it from Google Earth into the Geograph keyword search box.

It is also possible to download Excel spreadsheets of the Society’s databases from the website:

RWH/Nov 23

